Saturday, August 22, 2009

Science Notes Answer Key - Our Impact on the Environment

  1. -
  2. Man
  3. land, air, water, noise
  4. Rubbish/refuse, minerals, pesticides, garbage
  5. poison, growth, poisons
  6. Biodegradable, decomposers, nutrients, Non-biodegradable, decomposers
  7. gases
  8. burning, burying, incinerators
  9. chemicals, toxic
  10. spills
  11. soil erosion, soil, light, photosynthesis, oxygen
  12. dust, smoke, monoxide
  13. health
  14. acid rain, metals, stones
  15. global warming
  16. sun, space, greenhouse effect
  17. greenhouse effect, temperature
  18. ice, sea level, flooding, extinct
  19. noise, deafness

natural resources

  1. natural recources
  2. wildlife, soil, water, air, minerals
  3. nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide
  4. oxygen, respire, carbon dioxide
  5. energy
  6. 75%, digestion, nutrients, waste materials
  7. minerals, humus
  8. alloys, plastics, ceramic
  9. petroleum, coal, natural gas, electricity
  10. land, aquatic
  11. food, food, medicine, materials
  12. oxygen, carbon dioxide
  13. air, leaves, roots, soil erosion
  14. replaced, replaced
  15. air, water, wildlife, minerals
  16. conserve, conservation, wise, care
  17. reducing, reusing, recycling.
    reduce, water, electricity
    reuse, paper, boxes, bottles
    recycle, glass, paper, steel

Science Notes Answer Key - Adaptations for Survival

1. structures / behaviours
body parts
light, warm, float
heat, hot

2. Physical
food, water, air

3. Coping with physical factors


Body coverings to keep the animals warm in very cold environment

body, fur, air, insulator, cold

Other adaptations to survive in a very cold environment

hibernate, drops / decreases, fat, warm, clumps, black

Other adaptations to survive in a very hot environment

The camel:
Sun, heat, water, sweats, urinates, energy


Desert foxes:
ears, heat

leaves, water, stem, waxy, water

Adaptations for flight

fly, wings, muscles, feathers, warm, skin, hollow, weight

Coping with physical factors

Owl, large, clasping, tendrils, horizontally, leaves and stem, leaves, air


Moving in water:

narrow, broad, quickly

Modified limbs:

swimming, balance, forward, swimming, swimming

Swim bladders:

balloon, buoyant

Breathing in water

carbon dioxide

Gill chambers:

thin, soft, wet, oxygen

Air tube:

Air bubble:

Special nostrils:


4. Obtaining food

Getting food:
stripes, claws, prey

teeth, nectar, curved

5. Adaptations for escaping predators

Body coverings:

colours, surroundings, eyespots

Warning colours:

Appearing to look like other organisms:

Moving quickly away from danger:

Living in groups:

6. Adaptations for reproduction

Attracting a mate: attract, glow, light

Finding a mate:

Attractive flowers and fruits:
colourful, nectar, pollen grains

Seed dispersal – Methods of seed/fruit dispersal


Science Notes Answer Key - Food Chain and Food Web

  1. (a) growth
    (b) repair
    (c) energy
  2. food, sunlight
  3. water
    carbon dioxide
  4. water, carbon dioxide, sunlight, photosynthesis
  5. energy, sugar
  6. chlorophyll, light
  7. carbon dioxide, oxygen
  8. producers
  9. consumers
  10. herbivores, carnivores, omnivores
  11. herbivores
  12. carnivores
  13. omnivores
  14. chain
  15. parts
  16. energy
  17. colours
    legs, wings
    reproduce, soil
  18. web
  19. increase
  20. balance
  21. control
  22. food
  23. nutrients
  24. plant (left) goat (top), tiger (right), man (bottom)
  25. A, C, D


  1. decomposition
  2. bacteria, fungi
  3. decomposers
  4. plants
  5. decomposers
  6. speed
  7. maggots / slugs
    wood louse
  8. decomposers
  9. moist, warm
  10. carbon dioxide
  11. food, water, air
  12. chlorophyll
  13. (a) Test Tube A
    (b) Carbon dioxide is heavier than air, so the carbon dioxide is unable to reach the limewater in Test Tube B.
  14. fungi
  15. dark, damp

  16. -
    bracket fungi
  17. shady
  18. growth
  19. decomposition
  20. bacteria
  21. soil, air, water, food
  22. decay / decomposition
  23. food, nutrients
  24. splitting
  25. dormant
  26. splitting

Science Notes Answer Key - Characteristics of Env

  1. living, non-living
  2. habitat, conditions, survival
  3. reproduce
  4. temperature
  5. terrarium, aquarium
  6. Temperature

    fluctuates, rise, drop
  7. high, lose
  8. water vapour, stomata
  9. sweat
    exhaled air
  10. -
  11. low, freeze
  12. leaves, transpiration, hibernate
  13. laboratory thermometer, datalogger, degree Celsius
  14. Air - respiration
  15. oxygen
  16. depend
  17. carbon dioxide, water, sunlight, chlorophyll, light, oxygen, carbon dioxide
  18. oxygen
  19. dissolved air
  20. temperature, greenhouse effect
  21. datalogger
  22. Water- cells
  23. 75
  24. digested, waste materials
  25. xylem
  26. rain
  27. water-logged, roots
  28. storing, cactus, camels
  29. measuring cylinder, millimetres, litres
  30. Light - sunlight
  31. decreases, light
  32. temperature
  33. warmth
  34. frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, snakes, lizards, tortoises, turtles, crocodiles,
  35. temperatures, surroundings, energy
  36. earthworms, wood lice
  37. datalogger, lux
  38. Food- compete
  39. predator, prey
  40. Other organisms - sunlight, water, minerals
  41. cutting
  42. bacteria, fungi, conditions, epidemic, extinction
  43. disease-causing
  44. aphids, sap
  45. Soil- (a) sandy
    (b) clayey
    (c) garden

Observing and describing the characteristics of an environment

47. (a) map
(b) rough
(c) observant, common, senses
(d) questions
(e) instruments, laboratory thermometer, dataloggers

Science Notes Answer Key - Living Together

  1. micro-organisms, fungus, plant, animal
  2. habitat
  3. population
  4. community
  5. plants, animals
  6. a) herbivores
    b) carnivores
    c) omnivores
  7. interdependent, nutrients, food, shelter
  8. population size
  9. food, water, disease-causing, prey, predators, weather
  10. food, shelter

A Pond Community

  1. aquatic
  2. sunlight
  3. food, shelter
  4. a) floating
    b) submerged
    c) partially – submerged
  5. a) food
    b) shelter
    c) eggs
    d) oxygen
    e) carbon dioxide
  6. food
  7. hairy, float
  8. duckweed
  9. hairy, boat
  10. A: to make food
    B: to keep the plant afloat
    C: to take in water

A Field Community

  1. -
  2. a) vernonia
    b) lalang
    c) mimosa
    d) love grass
    e) cupid’s showing brush
  3. a) spider
    b) snail
    c) butterfly
    d) bee
    e) grasshopper
  4. a) earthworm
    b) termite
    c) wood louse
  5. loosen, aerate, nutrients

Garden Community

  1. -
  2. Butterflies, moths, bees
  3. spider lily, balsam, ixora, sap
  4. birds, snails, ladybird, toads, dragonflies, praying mantis
  5. colours
  6. moths, lizards, spiders, stink bugs, caterpillars

A Single-Plant Community

  1. banana, sweet potato,
  2. populations ants, aphids, grasshoppers, caterpillars
  3. plant, leaves

A Sea-Shore Community
1. wet
2. shade
3. sandy, muddy
4. -
5. worms, barnacles, crabs, jellyfish
6. seaweed, mosses

A Rotting Log Community

  1. soil
  2. brown
  3. a) earthworms
    b) ants
    c) millipedes
    d) centipedes
    e) slugs
    f) termites
    g) wood louse
    h) beetle larva
  4. ferns, fungi

A Leaf-Litter Community

  1. darkness, dampness
  2. dead, rotting
  3. brown
  4. dark, damp

Science Notes Answer Key - Forces

  1. Force
  2. start, stop, faster, slower, direction, shape
  3. faster, further
  4. gravity, elastic spring, friction, magnetic
  5. friction
  6. opposes motion
  7. rough, smooth
  8. heat
  9. soles, slipping, patterns, skidding
  10. lubricants, rollers, wheels
  11. Elastic
  12. stretch, longer
  13. compresses
  14. elastic spring
  15. gravity, magnetic
  16. gravity, fall
  17. distance
  18. lesser
  19. reduced
  20. weight
  21. force, matter
  22. Newtons, weight
  23. magnetic
  24. iron, steel
  25. glass, wood, plastic, paper, rubber, aluminium, copper
  26. non-magnetic
  27. repel, attract

Science Notes Answer Key - Energy

  1. Sun
  2. energy
  3. created, destroyed, changed
  4. Kinetic, potential, heat, sound, electrical, light
  5. kinetic, movement
  6. increases, faster
  7. potential
  8. changed, shape
  9. stretched, compressed, bent
  10. more, more
  11. gravitational, chemical
  12. raised
  13. position, further, more
  14. changed / converted
  15. chemical
  16. energy
  17. respiration
  18. chemical, electrical
  19. light, heat
  20. oil, coal, wood, natural gas
  21. stretched, compressed, springs
  22. light
  23. reflect
  24. heat
  25. movement, electricity, fuels
  26. heat
  27. iron, toaster
  28. burning
  29. sound
  30. electrical
  31. converted / changed, kinetic, heat, sound
  32. converted / changed
  33. chemical, light, heat
  34. chemical -> electrical -> light + heat
  35. computer -> light + sound + heat
    hydroelectric dam - kinetic + electrical + sound + heat
    wound-up toy -> kinetic + sound + heat
  36. replenished
  37. cannot

  38. Hydroelectric, Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Tidal

    Nuclear, Fossil, coal
  39. running
  40. gravitational, kinetic, electrical
  41. solar, light, heat
  42. light, photosynthesis
  43. light, electrical
  44. wind, kinetic
  45. kinetic
  46. kinetic, electrical
  47. electricity, geothermal, renewable
  48. gravitational attraction
  49. kinetic
  50. kinetic, electrical
  51. renewable
  52. nuclear
  53. renewable
  54. radiation
  55. natural, chemical, burnt, light, heat
  56. solar, chemical, chemical, oil, natural gas
  57. electrical
  58. renewable, carbon dioxide