Saturday, August 22, 2009

Science Notes Answer Key - Living Together

  1. micro-organisms, fungus, plant, animal
  2. habitat
  3. population
  4. community
  5. plants, animals
  6. a) herbivores
    b) carnivores
    c) omnivores
  7. interdependent, nutrients, food, shelter
  8. population size
  9. food, water, disease-causing, prey, predators, weather
  10. food, shelter

A Pond Community

  1. aquatic
  2. sunlight
  3. food, shelter
  4. a) floating
    b) submerged
    c) partially – submerged
  5. a) food
    b) shelter
    c) eggs
    d) oxygen
    e) carbon dioxide
  6. food
  7. hairy, float
  8. duckweed
  9. hairy, boat
  10. A: to make food
    B: to keep the plant afloat
    C: to take in water

A Field Community

  1. -
  2. a) vernonia
    b) lalang
    c) mimosa
    d) love grass
    e) cupid’s showing brush
  3. a) spider
    b) snail
    c) butterfly
    d) bee
    e) grasshopper
  4. a) earthworm
    b) termite
    c) wood louse
  5. loosen, aerate, nutrients

Garden Community

  1. -
  2. Butterflies, moths, bees
  3. spider lily, balsam, ixora, sap
  4. birds, snails, ladybird, toads, dragonflies, praying mantis
  5. colours
  6. moths, lizards, spiders, stink bugs, caterpillars

A Single-Plant Community

  1. banana, sweet potato,
  2. populations ants, aphids, grasshoppers, caterpillars
  3. plant, leaves

A Sea-Shore Community
1. wet
2. shade
3. sandy, muddy
4. -
5. worms, barnacles, crabs, jellyfish
6. seaweed, mosses

A Rotting Log Community

  1. soil
  2. brown
  3. a) earthworms
    b) ants
    c) millipedes
    d) centipedes
    e) slugs
    f) termites
    g) wood louse
    h) beetle larva
  4. ferns, fungi

A Leaf-Litter Community

  1. darkness, dampness
  2. dead, rotting
  3. brown
  4. dark, damp

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